Greater Northeast offers two seasons of play: spring and fall. Online registration is available during registration.
Spring registration will begin in early January. Teams will be formed shortly after evaluations in early February. Games start the first week of March and will play until the end of May. Players selected to the All Star teams will continue to practice and play into June.
Fall registration will be in August and games will start after Labor Day. Games will wrap up before the week of Thanksgiving.
League Age Determination
Your player’s league age is determined by the Little League Baseball and Little League Softball Age Charts. The dates for baseball and softball are different, but each determines the division in which your Little Leaguer will play this season. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31st of the current year. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Softball player is the actual age of a child as of December 31st of the previous year.

Residency Requirements
Players are eligible to play with Greater Northeast Little League only if they reside, or the physical location of the school where they attend classes, is within the specified boundary.
The following public schools are located within our boundary:
Judson ISD: Candlewood, Converse, Copperfield, Coronado Village, Crestview, Elolf, Escondido, Franz, Hopkins, Masters, Olympia, Paschall, Salinas, Spring Meadows, Woodlake, JSTEM, Judson MS, Kirby MS, Kitty Hawk MS, Metzger MS, Woodlake Hills MS, Judson HS, Wagner HS, JECA
SCUC ISD: Norma Paschal, Green Valley, Rose Garden, Schertz, Watts, Barbara Jordan Int, Wilder Int, Corbett JH, Dobie JH, Clemens HS
Randolph Field ISD: Randolph Elem, Randolph MS, Randolph HS
Additionally, if you attend a charter or private school that is physically located within our boundary you're also eligible to register.
To confirm whether your residence is located within our boundary, please click LITTLE LEAGUE FINDER and enter your address.